
Posted: Feb 7, 2022
Last activity: Feb 15, 2022
Last activity: 15 Feb 2022 10:06 EST
Email Triage volume and efficiency
We are looking to evaluate Pega email bot capability and would really appreciate if you could help on following questions regarding its ability to manage volume efficiently.
- If there are 10 different email channels, all of them creates a Email Triage (ET) Case. Even though NLP and actions can be customized for each channel; al these emails still follow same underlying technical steps which results in creating ET cases. Is there a way to extend Work-Channel-Triage-Email class and create customer specific classes(tables) to isolate them separately. Is it recommended to extend.
- Assuming 10 channels , all together 1- 1.5 million emails an year - Would large volume affect the efficiency or Pega capability to process emails. Would it degrade performance overtime with this kind of volume.
- Are there any documentation available on how to customize/configure Pega NLP other than the email bot course available in academy