How to enable Pega Webchatbot in the portal
This is a step by step process how to create Pega webchatbot and how to enable the same in the Pega portal.
How to create WebChatBot in Pega (PE 8.7)
- Create a Case Type WebChatBot.
- Create a Digital Messaging channel (MyWebChat) in App Studio.
- Download Pega AppFactory from Pega Marketplace & import the same in your application.
- Add the rulesets AppFactory and AFChatBot.
- Save As the sections AppFactoryChatBot in your application.
- Save As the section EmbeddedAFChatbot in your application.
- Update the Embedded section with the botid of your application.
- Save As PortalNavigation rule in your application.
- Add an embedded section - AppFactoryChatBot section.
- Log off and Login and get the chat icon at the bottom right corner.
For more details - click the link below
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add the Developer Knowledge Share tag***
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