
Lloyds Banking Group
Last activity: 15 Feb 2019 5:22 EST
Error Loading My Support Portal
Hi, I have been affiliated to my company's Pega account but upon trying to load My Support Portal, I receive the following error. Please could you investigate and advise on how to resolve?
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Accepted Solution

Hi Banaras,
It appears that your access had been temporarily disabled since you had not logged in for some time.
I have reset this, so it should now work. Could you please clear your browser cache, try again and confirm you are all set? Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello ,
Please raise your request in MSP > Resource>Report An Issue with MSP:

Lloyds Banking Group
That's not a very useful response. I am unable to load MSP at all.
Can you check my account to see if it is valid for MSP?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Banaras,
So sorry to hear you are unable to access MySupport Portal. I've submitted this on your behalf to the team that manages MSP and someone will be in touch with you.
Thank you for letting us know!

Lloyds Banking Group
Thanks Marissa.
Another colleague has successfully logged into MSP via my laptop so it's definitely not an OS/browser issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for checking that! It's always the first thing I do too! :)
Saikishore Sanagapalli
Accepted Solution

Hi Banaras,
It appears that your access had been temporarily disabled since you had not logged in for some time.
I have reset this, so it should now work. Could you please clear your browser cache, try again and confirm you are all set? Thank you.
Rahmat Juniawan Santoso

Lloyds Banking Group
Hi, it's working now. Thanks for your help.