Using Real time event directly in inbound channel
We have an use case where if customer is going to FAQ->Leave ABC company FAQ page then I should show some retension offer at start page as soon as customer moves on to start page in web portal.
As a solution I am thinking,
FAQ page will publishes data needed by Pega on a dedicated topic/stream->.Streaming services in Pega connects to the topic/stream and reads the data and put the data in CAR(Using Real time Dataflow)->Pega Customer Decision Hub uses the new data in Eligibility condition in order to decide what should be offered to the customer->Context weight(Based on event type) will prioritize the retention offer-> Use realtime container to show the offer.
I have 2 question:
1. Is my approach right?
2. Can I use real time event directly in start page to show the retention offer(Real time event will be mapped to retention issue/all group in NBAD)?