
Wipro Technologies
Last activity: 23 Jan 2019 14:27 EST
Unable find deleted Case Types even after restored from recent action's
Unfortunately deleted case types and restored from recent action's, even after unable to find the case types.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you elaborate on the actions taken when unable to find the restored case type? Is it a rule search or are you trying to run the case type?

Wipro Technologies
Thanks for your response.
when i opened case explorer and also when i tried to create new case through +create link,it shows no case types available.

Pegasystems Inc.
Is the case type listed on the 'Cases & data' tab of the Application rule?

Wipro Technologies
Yes,Previously it was there in Cases.

Pegasystems Inc.
I tested on a 7.3.1 system I have but was not able to reproduce the issue. I created a Test Case case type, then deleted the case type rule, and restored it. Once restored, I was able to see it in Cases Explorer and the Create menu. Try removing the case type from the application rule, save, then re-add it and save. Then log out and back in to see if that makes a difference.

Wipro Technologies
Hi Carissa,
Thank you for your response,
I tried by removing case types from application rule,restored and saved.Even i tried by creating new case type with the same name it triggers an error stating that rule already exist with this name. But i can' see that rule in case explorer and create menu.
The one which i am practicing is System Architect Essentials 7.4 in cloud not my personal application, Due to this i am unable to proceed further exercises.
Is there any possibility to do from Pega Support side because since i am doing this in Cloud.
Updated: 7 Jan 2019 7:55 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
GCS does not have access to log in to your Cloud application. Can you attach a screen shot of the 'Cases & data' tab of the application rule and a trace of clicking Create>New? D_Startingflows is a requestor level data page so please log out and back in before starting the trace and clicking Create. Also include all of the rulesets and the Data Page event type in the trace.

I tried same in 7.4, after restoring it you need to refresh the case types to display it in case explorer.

Wipro Technologies
Thanks for writing comments on mentioned query. Still I am unable to access and seen my cases even after deleted from application and reverted it again. Somewhere it went wrong, need to correct that.
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Pegasystems Inc.
It sounds like you are seeing behavior different then the other folks who've tried this. How did you delete the case type to begin with? I wonder if we're removing it in a different way and that's why the restore seems to work for everyone else. After the restore, do you see it present from wherever you deleted it? If not, can you trace trying the restore again to see if there are perhaps errors occurring when it tries?