Unable to delete instances of System-User-Recents
As part of a requirement we increased the number of Recent entries to 100 by updating the Pega-UIEngine.pyMaxRecentsCount to 100. The pzPurgeExtraRecents agent is enabled yet it does not seem to delete the records from System-User-Recents (pr_data_recents). I also tried using RDB-Delete even that didnt work. Tried Obj-Delete-By-Handle just to check the issue, though it didnt give any errors the instances were not removed. However I did observe that the pxCreateDataTime value and pxCreateOpName values of the instance were updated post Obj-Delete-By-Handle execution. (which leads me to believe that for each deleted entry, 1 entry is added (with values <pyRecordKey>Default Record Key</pyRecordKey>), though I could not obseve any such inserts running in the trace)
We cant seem to figure out the issue. Has anyone faced similar issue?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***