
Knowledge Experts SA
Last activity: 15 Feb 2016 13:12 EST
SLA goal time elapsed but escalation actions and urgency adjust not executed
We defined an SLA on assignment with escalation actions. Goal time passed and no action is excuted even urgency adjustment. We checked the SLA instance it was defined correctly but when "procces on" date elapsed, no action is executed but the "process on" date is updated by another future date and so on.
How can we correct this problem ?
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Accepted Solution

Knowledge Experts SA
Hello, I notice that the agent activity is ProcessEvent and the activity used to troubleshoot is CheckSLA (described is this article; Thanks,

Could you provide screenshots showing the configuration of the SLA?

I had an SLA failure that may or may not be similar to your issue, but I'll mention it just in case:
To test SLA, I was using the PegaSample work group, and I created my own service-level rule and sla-activity, and for awhile I couldn't figure out why they weren't firing. I finally figured it out by looking at the now-famous "whew" comment in the java step of the EstablishContext activity. (Take a look!)
In my case, since the flow was in PegaSample and the class of PegaSample was an out-of-box ruleset, the system didn't switch to my own access group when attempting to run the SLA, and hence it couldn't even see my service-level rule and sla activity. One solution to my issue was to make my own subclass of PegaSample, since the ruleset of that subclass will necessarily be one of mine instead of an out-of-box one, so the system will know to switch to my access group when running the SLA, and will hence see my service-level rules and sla activity. /Eric

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jarod.
Anything interesting in log ? Also, worth trying tracing the SLA agent and see whether there is any abnormal stuff happening or not ? Refer : for the step to trace.

Knowledge Experts SA
Hello Santanu, Troubleshooting the SLA agent i found this error: ** Unable to load data page D_testList. Required parameters : xx,yyy. cannot be blank I didn't understand the problem because the data page list a data type results and it's not referenced in any rules. thanks,

Knowledge Experts SA
and when i stop the agent to trace the agent activity i have no error. Does someone have an idea ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you running an activity when your SLA time is reached ?

Knowledge Experts SA
Hello Marc,
Yes i execute an activity to resume a flow but even if i have no escalation actions the error persist.
Accepted Solution

Knowledge Experts SA
Hello, I notice that the agent activity is ProcessEvent and the activity used to troubleshoot is CheckSLA (described is this article; Thanks,

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jrad, Good Morning!
would it make sense to double check...
- How the goal time value is configured?
- from property (is of type DateTime) or interval...
- is the goal date time value falls within business days
- if the option Only calculate using business days is enabled?
- is the goal date time value falls within business days
- from property (is of type DateTime) or interval...
- Validate the XML rule form of SLA to ensure the configurations/meta data is saved...
- analyse Goal time & Goal activity from newAssignPage
- the agent 'Service level events' by delaying/restarting to trace, from SMA?
- analyzing any of the scheduled item and the following properties from system queue management, at SMA?
- pxEvent
- pyMinimumDateTimeForProcessing [min time for the item to be picked up by agent to process]
- pyAccessGroup
- pxLastExecutedDateTime...
tracing escalation activity for any lock issues
- SLALockRetryInterval would re-queue the assignment after 15 mins if lock is held on the assignment.
- Print Log-Message or History-Add in the goal activity
- adding Log-Messages to read the current step page
oLog.infoForced("------------------------------------------------------Debug Starts for pxRequestor page ----------------------------------------------------");
oLog.infoForced("Requestor Name pyUserIdentifier: " + myStepPage.getString(".pyUserIdentifier"));
Hi Jrad, Good Morning!
would it make sense to double check...
- How the goal time value is configured?
- from property (is of type DateTime) or interval...
- is the goal date time value falls within business days
- if the option Only calculate using business days is enabled?
- is the goal date time value falls within business days
- from property (is of type DateTime) or interval...
- Validate the XML rule form of SLA to ensure the configurations/meta data is saved...
- analyse Goal time & Goal activity from newAssignPage
- the agent 'Service level events' by delaying/restarting to trace, from SMA?
- analyzing any of the scheduled item and the following properties from system queue management, at SMA?
- pxEvent
- pyMinimumDateTimeForProcessing [min time for the item to be picked up by agent to process]
- pyAccessGroup
- pxLastExecutedDateTime...
tracing escalation activity for any lock issues
- SLALockRetryInterval would re-queue the assignment after 15 mins if lock is held on the assignment.
- Print Log-Message or History-Add in the goal activity
- adding Log-Messages to read the current step page
oLog.infoForced("------------------------------------------------------Debug Starts for pxRequestor page ----------------------------------------------------");
oLog.infoForced("Requestor Name pyUserIdentifier: " + myStepPage.getString(".pyUserIdentifier"));
oLog.infoForced("Requestor Name pxUserIdentifier: " + myStepPage.getString(".pxUserIdentifier"));
oLog.infoForced("Requestor Page: " + myStepPage.getXML());
oLog.infoForced("------------------------------------------------------Debug Ends for pxRequestor page ----------------------------------------------------");
Please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!