
Last activity: 21 Feb 2017 1:06 EST
Update WO SLA goal time
Hi All,
Bussiness scenario:
Case level SLA is defined with property reference for Goal date. Once the goal date is reach an escalation activity would be fired.
My requirement is to send email and set Goal Date again to say 10 days in future. So that Again The SLA should reach goal date and fire same escalation activity and do not reach deadline or past dead line dates.
Is there any out of box activity in PRPC to acheive this requirement.
Should I use DefineSLATimes or pxAdjustSLATimes. I searched little bit on Support. Few of the activities mentioned in the respective post seems to have been deprecated.
Please let me know the OOTB activity to be used in this scenario. And also and context to be set before calling the OOTB activity.
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to update categories***