
Bluerose Technologies
Last activity: 3 Aug 2016 5:28 EDT
Update Goal and Deadline Values Dynamically-SLA
Hi all,
WO has an SLA and initially the SLA has goal and deadline values of x days.
I need to pass the updated goal and deadline values for the SLA rule based on change of drop down values on the 1st screen itself.(all the new goal and deadline vales are fetching from a data table)
Please suggest me how to achieve this updated goal and deadline values are taken into effect for the WO.
Thanks & regards,
Naresh Saketi
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Naresh,
You can use pyAdjustAssignmentSLA local action , and use the option of
1)"Change to New SLA" if the goal/deadline has already passed by that time .
2)Else you can use "Adjust Times" option (with this you can modify the goal and deadline time values, if they haven't yet passed .
Rajesh D

Bluerose Technologies
Hi Haritha,
I need to pass the new goal and dead line values to the existing SLA rule on changing the dropdown value(override the default goal and deadline values) automatically.not through local action or flow action.

Pegasystems Inc.
After updating SLA Goal and dealine values , call "ActionChangeWorkSLAProps" activity , it will reoad the agents with updated values.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Naresh,
If you want to do it directly during change of the value on your section rather than using another flowaction ( pyAdjustAssignmentSLA etc ) then you can think of using the Adjust Assignment SLA API in your onChange activity itself. This API applies a Service Level rule to an existing assignment enabling the change of SLA properties on the assignment -- e.g., goal time, goal action, urgency boost, etc.
Also have a look at this article which is a good read on this :

Bluerose Technologies
Hi Santanu,
Can you please elaborate more on this,which activity or any other API need to use,how to pass the updated goal and deadline values as parameters to the API etc..

Pegasystems Inc.
You can refer pxAdjustSLATimes activity.
It takes all the parameters required.

Hi Santanu,
This pxAdjustSLATimes does not seem to work (in Pega 7.1.9 with property .pyAdjustSLATimes=Fixed) and breaks pyWorkPage. Are there any prerequisites for using this activity as pre-processing action that you know of?

Tata Consultancy Services
Hi Naresh,
Are you able to find the solution for it. If so, Please provide us the info regarding it.
Lakshmi Sirisha Gaddam