
Last activity: 28 Feb 2019 13:32 EST
Opening Service Case when accepting call from popup in CPM
Hi All we have a requirement where we have to open a service case along with customer 360 composite when CSR accepting the call. Generally when CSR accept the call from pop up it is creating the interaction work item and opening the interaction work item along customer 360 composite. We are using CPM 7.2.1
Any Kind of help and suggestion really appreciated.
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Pegasystems Inc.
You can configure required Intent Task with Intent WHEN condition. You need to configure Intent WHEN based on data you are retrieving from IVR/any other systems. As long as intent condition is TRUE, Pega Customer Service infrastructure takes care of automatically launching the process. If this doesn't work directly, check for hotfixes on 7.21 as there is a hotfix to address some bug around this area.

Hi Soumen,
By default CPM Interaction portal provides a list of Service cases for customer when any interaction case is created. CPM doesn't provide this feature to open S case directly as there could be multiple S cases for a customer. Hence I think you have to customize the call pop-up action to open any service case based on your requirement.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Swarne123, that's actually incorrect. Customer Service allows you to configure intent tasks to be automatically launched when you start a call. You can use a number of conditions to trigger this behavior.
OOTB, if you do the "Demo-Pop Connor" it uses the IVR Optout property TXN Review. This is used to queue the Dispute Transaction process for the agent. Instead of queuing the process, you can set it to launch as well.
This behavior has been available as of CPM 7.1.3.

Hi Amit,
I think sample implementation available for MyCoCA application. No one should use MyCoCA application as a built on application for their project. Hence I think this feature is to be implemented in your application.
IVR property is not common across all CS framework implementation project. There are many organization who are not using IVR for Call. Hence IVR output property will not come for each and every place.
Moreover as per my understanding the question asked is to launch a service case (may be new or existing which is not specified) and thus don't think there is any OOTB rule to do same.
Hope the above makes sense.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, There are a couple issues here ..
1) I was not suggesting they use the IVR property, just that that can be used as a reference to see how to configure the Intent Task. I understand that if they are not using IVR, it won't be there. But, there are a thousand other properties that can be used for the Intent When. If you wish to automatically launch any service process on start of an interaction, that's doable in any intent task. It requires an Intent When to trigger, but that trigger can be anything. It can refer to a property for a Contact, Account, Interaction or ChannelServices properties.
2) There's no MyCoCA application as of CS 7.21. All the rules that were in MyCoCA are moved into PegaAppCA and are available to use and extend by any application that's built on Customer Service.

I hope it will be really helpful to the person who posted the question if solution can be achieved as per your suggestion.
In my opinion suggested solution will only open any new service case but not any existing service case as there could be many service cases opened for a client from different interaction channel.

Pegasystems Inc.
Absolutely agree about the reopening an existing case. There's no OOTB solution for that. I read the original request as just triggering a case creation on Interaction start, which is definitely doable. Opening work from a worklist or recent open work would be a custom solution.