How to conditionally close a case /keep a case open in interactionportal of Customer Service when warm transferring a case
We are using Pega Call 7.3.1 in combination with Pega Customer Services 7.3.1.
We are encountering the following scenario:
When we transfer an incoming phonecall using Pega Call to a non-pega user/phonenumber the case is closed in the interaction portal of Customer Services. In this case we want to keep the case open at the original operator.
We already applied changes for when we use the transfer-button of Customer Service in the interactionportal. We check if an operator can be found in Pega who is logged in into Avaya using the called phonenumber. Now we want to apply the same type of change for the transfer option of Pega Call.
I traced the session as of the moment when I press the handsoff-button in pega call (after starting a warm transfer).
In the tracefile I can see the activity "DoClose" is called (using an interaction) to close the interaction case and therefore also the tab in the interaction portal. However unfortunately I'm not able to figure out from where the activity "DoClose" is being called (which section/HTML/javascript/other). Does anybody know where the call to the activity "DoClose" is made, so we can make this call conditional for this scenario?
Or maybe somebody has another idea that will work?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****