
BlueRose Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:33 EDT
JDBC Driver path issue while upgrade from Pega 7.1.9 to Pega 8.5
Hi Pega Team,
We are facing one challenge while we are trying to upgrade from 7.1.9 version to 8.5 version (in premises to in premises), we tried to run by setting java path but it abandoned with below issue, can any one help here.
Database Server : Oracle Proprietary information hidden,
App Server: Weblogic Proprietary information hidden,
Pega Current Version: 7.1.9,
Pega Upgraded version: 8.5,
Error Message: JDBC Driver Path must be specified as one or more valid files not as a Directory.
Besides that our environment has 1 server and 2 JVMs running in 2 different paths, does it mean do we need to run the upgrade scripts two times with different paths?
Anil Kumar