Opening the work object in theme cosmos full portal on Copy sharable link (simple URL) is available from the Pega 8.5.1 release. This document explains the necessary steps to make the copy sharable link…
Issue On clicking the Notification Web gadget, the entire notifications count is removed. This occurs even when unread notifications are present. Symptoms and Impact Notifications count is removed. Steps…
Issue The POST /v1/assignments/{id} DX API call returns an IndexOutOfBoundsException in the response. Steps to reproduce Create a case with an assignment. Create a JSON to submit to the /v1/…
Dear experts, Our client applications are on Pega 8.5, and we are looking to upgrade to the latest version Infinity 24.x. We understand that 3P services are to be externalized for Infinity 24.2 and beyond…
Issue When attaching a file to the Pega Platform using out-of-the-box functionality, virus scanning is not performed. Steps to reproduce 1. Create a case type. 2. Create a case of that case type. 3. Add…
Pega Platform uses the PD4ML library to generate PDFs from HTML markup. Learning about library limitations and the available hotfixes can help you ensure a more reliable PDF generation process. Note: You…
Issue Unable to convert a Word document to PDF within a Pega application. Symptoms and Impact Unable to convert Word document to PDF. Root Cause This is a known product limitation with Pega Platform. No…
Learn what can cause delays in ServiceLevelEvents agent processing. Learn the correct approaches to setting Service-Level Agreements for Stages, Processes and Steps to avoid delays in your specific…
Issue Custom validation error messages are not displayed when data objects are edited via a landing page or savable Data Page in applications using the Constellation UI. Symptoms and Impact The following…
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