Hello Pega support community, I am in front of a strange issue concerning pagination: one case where it is working and in the same home section another pagination is not working. Here are some configs…
I want to upload an Excel file on Pega and then retrieve its content as base64. While doing this, since the FilePath control hides the path, I am trying to combine the path with pxProcess.…
There is a grid displaying data on UI with filter enabled. For some columns in the grid, we are getting duplicate values in the filter popup. For example if there are three values 'First',…
I have finished all modules and challenges incl the test, but the badge on the bottom is not unlocked. Why is this and can this be corrected? https://academy.pega.com/mission/business-architect/v7  User…
We are launching our application using custom authentication service from some other client screen. There we need to pass few parameters along with URL and get the values while we initiate the Operator…
In PDC we are getting exceptions on pega OOTB rule .as part of preflight need these exception to be handled Root Exception class: com.pega.pegarules.pub.PRRuntimeException Last Pega rule invoked in…
Hi, We have usecase where we read kafka message coming in JSON format to Pega clipboard mapping using pega Auto map feature. But this is failing when we created a value list property with exact namespace…
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