How to prevent a run of local action
Could you please tell me how to prevent a run of local action? In detail below;
For example, there are 1 assignment("Assignment A") and 1 connector("Connector A") in a flow(cf flow.png), and 2 access groups("Access Group A" and "Access Group B").
Assignment A routes only to Access group A, and Assignment A has a local Action("pyChangeStage" cf AssignmentProperties.png).
"Access Group B" users can access this local action.
Connector A has a flow action.
For test, I logged in as a user of Access Group B, and opened a case on review Harness.
I pushed "Begin" button, then Pega executed the local Action("pyChangeStage"), although it is supposed to show the message, "You don't have the authority to access Flow Action".
To prevent this local action's run and show the non-authority message, what do I have to do ?
I want to know as a maintainability way as possible.