
Last activity: 24 Aug 2017 9:19 EDT
How is Interaction History loaded into Strategies?
From what I understand there are only 2 ways to import Interaction History into Strategies - Either use Import Interaction History shape and Import Proposition Data shape with Enable Interaction History checkbox selected. However, there is no details provided how this Interaction History is made available, how it can be used in both case, and mainly what is the difference between the 2 approaches.
Also, are there any more ways of importing Interaction History into Strategies than what I have mentioned above?
Please provide more details on how we can use Interaction History in Strategies.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Viswa,
You may have figured out by now, but for the record: when enabling Interaction History in the proposition import component, you need to map the properties explicitly. For many of the properties there is an existing SR property you can use but for other like the count, you would use a property of your own.

Pegasystems Inc.
Based on my learning, yes, you can use either "import Interaction History" or "Import Proposition Data" two ways to import Interaction History into Strategies.
Both Interaction History and Proposition Import components have property mapping and conditions, to call strategy function loadInteractionHistory with all parameters specified.
To me, there is no big difference between them.

Thank you Susan for your reply.
I have a follow up question - There must be some reason Pega gave the Interaction History shape. How do you decide which one to use?
Also, I am able to access the IH properties when I am getting the records from Interaction History shape but have not figured out how to access these properties when getting the records from Proposition Data shape.

Pegasystems Inc.
You are correct that there are two ways to import interaction history into the strategy canvas, Interaction History shape or Enable interaction history in the Proposition import shape. Your use-case will determine which one is most appropriate. The Enable interaction history option on the proposition import shape will only import/set the LAST response on the properties (SR properties). The Interaction History shape will import ALL responses for x days as defined in the shape.
If you are using the Interaction History shape, there is no need to Enable interaction history in the proposition shape. If you want to use IH data outside of strategy execution then you will need to call the dataflow/strategy, setting a top level page, and reference this page in your case workflow.
I hope this helps

Thanks Seth! That gives a little insight.
You mentioned "The Enable interaction history option on the proposition import shape will only import/set the LAST response on the properties (SR properties)" in your response. But in this case, the form gives an option of fetching the data for last X number of days. I am guessing there is more to it.
Also, Interaction History properties are not available in SR class. So I am wondering how they are accessed.
Have created another post just to get insight into the working of IH from the Proposition Data import shape -
Vinay Durgam

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Viswa,
If you enable IH in the proposition shape it retrieves the interactions in the last X days for this customer and returns the last one.
This way, you can for example figure out whether the last customer response in the last 30 days to a particular proposition was negative.
Aside from the look back period, you can also specify additional filters, e.g. checking the above but only on the Agent Assisted channel.
The available properties from IH map directly to SR properties. See also

Thank you Otto for the response.
But how can I access the IH data related to a proposition when the IH checkbox is checked in Proposition Data shape?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Viswa,
You may have figured out by now, but for the record: when enabling Interaction History in the proposition import component, you need to map the properties explicitly. For many of the properties there is an existing SR property you can use but for other like the count, you would use a property of your own.