
Last activity: 19 Feb 2021 13:25 EST
Interaction History: 2 pxInteractionIDs for one interaction
we have implemented a Pega mashup in a telephony system. This of course uses a real-time container which captures impressions on retrieval. We display different actions on the mashup and after selecting an action and reacting to it via the click of a button, we are using the OOTB activity CaptureResponseAndInitiateOffer and parameterize it with a page of the class Int-PegaCDH-Container.
What happens, is that the real-time container writes into the Interaction History (IH) first to capture the impression. After this the above-named activity captures the response on click and generates a new pxInteractionID. We do not want this to happen. Instead we want the same pxInteractionID for both IH entries since both happen in the same interaction.
Did anyone of you face a similar problem yet and knows how to solve this?
Thank you in advance!