
Cisco Systems Inc
Last activity: 9 Jan 2019 19:13 EST
Not able to retreive Interaction History in Strategy
I have created a normal strategy to get the Historical Data to check whether the same offer has been accepted in last 7 days. If yes, then eliminate that proposition.
I have gone through the course and configured in the same manner as shown. But I'm not getting any result in "Interaction History" shape. Is there any other setting that I need to do to get the result?
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Anupam Kumar -
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are using the data transform option on the test run panel, are you setting the right property that will translate to pySubjectID in IH? What I mean is, if your strategy's applies to class is Demo-Data-Customer with the key for this class being CustID, then in your data transform, you should set .CustID = x where x is the value of pySubjectID from IH for which you supposedly have interactions recorded.
Assuming this is on one of the more recent versions of Pega, you can also check for the pySubjectType. This is generally the customer class (in this example Demo-Data-Customer).
It might help if you can upload the screengrab for the following 4 line items,
1. Records in interaction history
2. Class definition of your strategy applies to class
3. Data transform being used to test the strategy run
4. Strategy test run panel after you've triggered a test run

Cisco Systems Inc
Need some help on this issue

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you have an issue with a concrete exercise or with your own environment? If with an exercise, which course are you doing exactly? Can you share an exercise system with us so that we can have a look? Last but not the least, did you have a look at the solution video at the bottom of the page? If yes, please let us know which exact step does not work for you.
In general, not having data in Interaction History is either because you don't have data there (for that specific CustomerID), or you do not have the CustomerID properly setup in the strategy (which we do for you in our exercises).

Cisco Systems Inc
Hi Miki,
I am trying this in my own environment, with a simple scenario to put a filter if offer is already accepted in past 7 days, do not show it to user. After every accepted offer, I am updating the Interaction History and I can see it there as well.
I checked CustomerID is set and can see history for the same customerID, via IH landing page
I think I missing some extra setting that were not shown in videos (may be) could you please tell me the checklist which I can follow and set it correct

Pegasystems Inc.
A scenario that I can think of where this can happen is when the applies to class of your strategy is different than what data you actually have in the interaction history. This is if you have any data in interaction history at all in the first place.
If you have already got this one right, then please specify how are you triggering the strategy? Do you have a dataflow to execute it? Or are you executing from the strategy test run panel? If from the test run panel, then with which option?

Cisco Systems Inc
I can see the Interaction History with respect to the same Proposition accepted, and I have tried with test run panel (with Data transform option), pyExecuteInteraction method and Data flow as well but getting no output for that specific "Interaction History" component.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are using the data transform option on the test run panel, are you setting the right property that will translate to pySubjectID in IH? What I mean is, if your strategy's applies to class is Demo-Data-Customer with the key for this class being CustID, then in your data transform, you should set .CustID = x where x is the value of pySubjectID from IH for which you supposedly have interactions recorded.
Assuming this is on one of the more recent versions of Pega, you can also check for the pySubjectType. This is generally the customer class (in this example Demo-Data-Customer).
It might help if you can upload the screengrab for the following 4 line items,
1. Records in interaction history
2. Class definition of your strategy applies to class
3. Data transform being used to test the strategy run
4. Strategy test run panel after you've triggered a test run
Naveen Ravi mayukh kant