
Last activity: 26 Jul 2018 10:39 EDT
Facebook messenger extracted data
I have created a pega NLP text analyser and called it in text analyser section in behaviour tab of facebook channel. when i individually run the text analyser i can see the extracted entities. how do i utilize these extracted entities in the case created using a case create command from FB channel.
thanks in advance.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, in 7.4 you can define entity mapping to service case properties by clicking the gear icon next to the case on the behavior tab of your channel. If you are using an earlier version, you can copy the entities into a page and reference this later in the service case to access these entities.

In which page or structure would be entities stored to copy into a temporary page. i am not able to find the entities extracted in clip board. need to know the page structure where the entities are extracted in clipboard. we are using PEGA 7.3.1 version.

Pegasystems Inc.
You can take a look at the pyAnalyzeInput activity where the message text is run through the text analyzer to see how the NLP results are stored. The NLP results should be available in the NLPResult page of class Data-NLP-Outcome here.
In 7.4 we introduced entity mapping from the channel behavior tab where you can bind entity types to service case properties to have the mapping automatically when a case is created. This makes it much easier to access the entities.

Could you please provide the screen shots.

Screen shots attached Below.

Could you please provide the steps that you have followed with screenshots.

Screen shots attached Below.

I have created a pega NLP text analyser and called it in text analyser section in behaviour tab of facebook channel. and wrote a custom ruta code to detect MSISDN number. while i run the text analyser independently i see the MSISDN is extracted and see it in clipboard as well. In config tab i have given a command to create a case , while i send message in fb messenger containing this msisdn and open the case which got created i dont find any extracted data or not even the NLP output page which i got while running text analyser independently. please find the screenshots.
Please let me know if i need to do anything else. my requirement is to use the extracted MSISDN number further in the case.

Pegasystems Inc.
The NLP output page is not persisted through service case creation. You'll need to create an intermediary page and copy the NLP results(or just the entities that you need) to this page and reference it later on in your service case. You can see where the NLP is initially run in the pyAnalyzeInput activity - this is where you can access the entities to copy to your intermediary page.