
Last activity: 11 Jun 2024 7:54 EDT
Data propagation from child case to parent case ?
Can anyone please share the snapchat/document for data propagation from child case to parent case ?
I have came across few of articles there was no proper information.
Please post if anybody done hands on.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Please leverage the Update Case Smart shape and you can configure the data transform to copy the data to the Parent case.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
We can achieve this by using the Update case flow shape in the child case. For your reference use below screenshots.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Hope this link will helps you.
Updated: 11 Jun 2024 8:18 EDT

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Hi @bharath
You can update the data from child case to parent case using update case smart shape and create the data transform to update the data to parent case.
you can understand better by seeing the following image
Dt to propagate data from child to parent_

Hi, Create DT in child class and in run time pega will open the case using ID . To refer child case data you need to use pyWorkPage and primary will be parentcase(cover). No need to use pyWorkCover anyware. We have used this Shape and code for grand child aswell.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Create DT in child class and in run time pega will open the case using ID .
To refer child case data you need to use pyWorkPage and primary will be parentcase(cover).
No need to use pyWorkCover anyware. We have used this Shape and code for grand child aswell.