
Last activity: 15 Apr 2020 12:02 EDT
Created new application in Pega7.4 but not able to see the application in Switch Application options
Hi All,
I recently downloaded Persional edition of Pega 7.4. I tried to create a new application by going to the Build Application option. After I create the application,I got a confirmation message that the application has been created successfully. When I am going to Switch application options I am not able to see the create application in the option. I am able to see DM SAMPLE option only. I assume that is a sample application given by Pega. I tried to search name of my application in the search in designer studio and I was able to get edit appliciation option but I am not able to switch to the application I just created. Also I am logging in via [email protected] user ID given by Pega in the installation guide. Kindly guide me with this issue.Am I doing something wrong and how can I locate the application that I have created?
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Accepted Solution

EPAM Systems, Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
The switch application option will show applications associated with your access group(s). Log in as the operator that was created when the new application was built. This operator should have the access group created for your new application or you can create a new operator if desired and add the access group.

Thanks.I was able to create an operator ID and could now see my application.
Accepted Solution

EPAM Systems, Inc.
Lisa Sonnenberg

Thanks! This worked for me!

Hi Surabhi,
Switch application will only available, if the related application Access group is added in the operator Record.
Moreover new application created won't be available as a switch application option with the OOTB administrator credentials( As you are not authorized to add newly created access group in the operator Record).
You could check for the Application name by logging with [email protected]/install
Record Explorer->Application Definition->Application( Search for the recently created application).

Randstad Technologies
Creaated new Application in 8.3 not able to see application and neither the operators.How to login and get information on passwords .it is not displaying whil e creating new application

Pegasystems Inc.
Please try logging from administrator id ([email protected]) default password: install (in case that has not been changed) and check in the record explorer from the left panel.
You will find option of Organization under which you will find Operator ID.
Upon clicking to Operator ID you will find the instances of all the operators.
Logging in with Administrator id also gives you the privilege to change the passwords of other operators that you created.
You can update the password of the operator once the instance is open.
The option is available under the security tab.
Hope this helps.