
Last activity: 11 Nov 2016 2:10 EST
Case Type Creation (Best Practice)
Consider the below described situation:
Framework Layer Cases: Org-FW-ABCFW-Work-X, Org-FW-ABCFW-Work-Y
Implementation Layer Cases: Org-Impl1-ABC-Work-X, Org-Impl2-ABC-Work-Y
The process followed by the two cases at the Implementation Layer is pretty much same (at this moment) - Case Creation, Case Processing, Case Closure (the three stages). The primary difference among these two implementation is the underlying data structure.
As a best practice, where (and why) should the case type rule be created:
1. One case type rule at the Org-FW-ABCFW-Work class level.
2. Two case type rules at the Org-FW-ABCFW-Work-X, Org-FW-ABCFW-Work-Y level
3. Two case type rules at the Org-Impl1-ABC-Work-X, Org-Impl2-ABC-Work-Y levels
Please highlight any issues that we are generally encountered in either of the aforementioned options.