
Last activity: 26 Nov 2019 6:22 EST
automatically move to next task Using Wait Shape
Hi ,
I have a requirement using the wait shape To Automatic Process. The scenario is user do their assignment in "Before Wait" Shape and then next process move into "Wait Shape" ( Using Wait Type TIMER ). After 1 hours , the assignment automatically go to Next Step.
my Question, why It failed to Next Step After Waiting For 1 Hours ? is there any missing configuration ?
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J.P. Morgan Services India PVT Ltd
why It failed to Next Step After Waiting For 1 Hours ?
I did not understand this query, are you saying after 1 hour the system is not processing the utility shape(create case) correctly, ?
what is the behavior you are seeing after 1 hour? any blank screen or error?

hi neha,
Yes, you are right .
look like this( Screenshot) , not moving to the next step after the specified time ( i set up 1 minute for a testing )
is there missing configuration ?

Pegasystems Inc.
The Wait shape uses the SLA agent for processing. Do you see any broken queue items or scheduled queue items for this work object?

how do i know that? Which menu part of pega?
can you help me ?
thanks before

Pegasystems Inc.
There are multiple ways to view the queue items.
- The Queue Management landing page (if using Pega 7.3 or 7.3.1).
- Designer Studio > System > Operations > Queue Management
- The System Management Application (SMA)
- Agent Management > System Queue Management
- The Broken Queue Item report (if using a version prior to Pega 7.3)
- Designer Studio > Process & Rules > Tools > Work Admin > Broken Queue Items
- Select System-Queue-ServiceLevel and click Execute View
- You can remove the item status filter to view scheduled items as well

hi Carissa,
i'm using Pega 7.2.1 , Is the menu position the same as you mentioned?

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, in 7.2.1 you can use the SMA or broken queue item report options.

hi CarissaW,
thanks for your help,
I found error message when checking broken Report ,
Cannot obtain a lock on instance MyOrg-FW-MyApp-WORK T-15, as Requestor H6072373F43C389DE30ED8D62713740F1 already has the lock
can you help me again about this ?
thanks a lots

Pegasystems Inc.
The agent needs to be able to lock the work object to process it. It looks like a user had a lock on the work object.

is there any way of release lock on case (user lock)?
I've tried on setting case type ( Cases -> Case Type -> Setting -> Locking ) , but this did not work.

Pegasystems Inc.
The Case Type rule is used to configure the locking settings. Here you can specify if you want to use optimistic locking or default locking and you can set the lock timeout. To release an individual lock, you can go to Designer Studio > Process & Rules > Tools > Work Admin > All Locks.

Hi Carissa,
We are also facing the same issue.
The work item moved to [email protected] work basket, but after that it is not moving to another assignment.
We have checked and while open the case after some time we getting no work item assigned.
Could you please help me on this.
Srikanth M.
Subramanian Jaganathan

Pegasystems Inc.
Is your Wait shape configured to use a Timer or a case dependency? If using a Timer, then you can use the same steps listed in the post above. When the process moves to the Wait shape, check to see if there is a queue item scheduled. Then when the time has been met, check to see if the queue item has been processed or if it is in the broken queue. You can also trace the ServiceLevelEvents agent.

I have seen in the queue, the error message is "class is not defined in the class dectionary".
It is picking up some wrong class. Not in the defined class.
Srikanth M.

The error class is not related to my class but how it is showing the error !

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you able to share more details of the broken queue item? I am not sure which class is being referenced.

Zakat ,Tax and customs authority
Issue: When we assigned timer shape default SLA set to pzWaittimer, so after that SLA agent picks and It will call Resumeflow activity.
for this activity ,agent is passing two parameters Flow: currenflowname and Flowaction : Approve.
but in this case flowaction param should be "pyContinueafterWait' (because its Pega default Flowaction for timer shape). Since in your flow there is no approve Flowaction, case is not proceeding further.
For temporary fix:
please change the flowaction name as "approve" instead of pycontinueafterWait it will work.
please check and let us know if issue is resolve.

Tata Consultancy Pvt. Ltd
Hi ,
I used the wait shape with 1 min interval. But it is also not moved to next shape.I didn't get any entry in broken queue and when entry is scheduled for queuing in SMA.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @DarshanaD
Thank you for posting your query in the PSC. This looks like an inactive post and hence, we suggest you create a new post for your query. Click on the Write Post button here. Once created, please reply here with the URL of the new post.
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