RDB-List when processed with Wait shape not finding jdbc driver
Hello all,
We have a scenario where we queue the case to wait shape. So ideally when the wait time has reached, system is suppose to resume the flow and make Connect-SQL call.
The issue is, when wait shape is processing Connect-SQL, we are seeing the below error.
Problem encountered when getting connection for database externaldb: code: 0 SQLState: 08001 Message: No suitable driver found for jdbc:oracle:thin..........
However, when I resume the wait manually (user choose to continue process), I do not see this error and RDB-List executes just fine.
Note: this is only happening in one env. Moreover, we moved our external db from oracle to redshift. We did not see this when we are using the redshift. Apparently, we are seeing this only after we moved to oracle
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags; update SR Details****