
Last activity: 11 Jul 2024 4:03 EDT
obj-list, rdb-list
Hello, Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
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Maantic Inc
Use Obj-List to search sequentially through instances of the PegaRULES database or an external database and retrieve specified data to pages in the clipboard.
Use RDB-List to retrieve rows from an external relational database and place the results as embedded pages in a specified step page of class Code-Pega-List. This method references a Connect SQL rule instance, and executes SQL statements stored in the Browse tab of that rule instance.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Obj-List: Fetches a list of instances from the PegaRULES database that match specified criteria. It operates on Pega objects (instances of Pega classes).
RDB-List: Executes an SQL query on an external relational database and returns the results. It is used when you need to interact with data in external databases.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Hi @Sasik
- Obj-list: Retrieve to a page, read-only, a selected set of properties Important fields Obj-List
- RequestType: The Type of the browse; allows different processing or sets of properties to be defined. Defaults to Standard. Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.
- Access: An indication of the database package used to access this table, from the INI file (currently ODBC). Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.
- ClassName: The object class on which the browser is performed.
- Rdb-list: To Retrieve external Relational Database List.
- Important fields in RDB-List
- PageName: Page Name indicating where the results will be put
- ObjClass: The object Class to List. When used with the RuleObjList parameter, this is the class of the list to use.

Morgan Stanley
Hi @Sasik Responses from other folks are valid, I will share some additional information :-
- OBJ-List is slower in comparison to RDB-LIST. When you use Obj List method PEGA converts your inputs into SQL query in the background and then runs it on the DB. Whereas in case of RDB-LIST you already provide the SQL query to execute.
- OBJ-LIST - SQL knowledge is not required.
- RDB-LIST - Should be used for complex scenarios where you need apply more filters & joins.
- RDB-LIST - All SQL features can be used for complex querying.
- RDB-LIST - It can be used for both external/internal relational database.

Rulesstack Private Limited
Hi @Sasik,
obj-list and rdb-list are methods used to retrieve data, but they function differently and are suited for different purposes. Here's a brief explanation of each:
Obj-List -Purpose : Retrieves a list of instances from the Pega database. -Data Source : Pega's internal storage (BLOB, database tables). Usage : Primarily used to fetch a list of records from Pega’s internal tables. It operates within the context of the Pega application and uses the Data-Admin-DB-Table class mapping to fetch data. Typical Use Case : When you need to retrieve Pega objects that are stored internally, such as work objects, cases, or rules.
RDB-List Purpose : Retrieves a list of records from an external relational database. -Data Source : External relational databases like Oracle, SQL Server, etc. Usage : Used when data is stored outside the Pega database. This method executes a SQL query directly against the external database. Typical Use Case : When you need to fetch data from an external system or database that Pega does not directly manage, such as a customer information database in a separate Oracle database.
Mohd Qizer

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
- OBJ-LIST : The OBJLIST function provides a list of the objects that are contained in one or more workspaces that you specify. The specified workspaces must be currently attached when you use the function. The result, a multiline TEXT value, can be used as an argument to the OBJ function with the REFERS keyword.
- RDB-LIST : This method references a Connect SQL rule instance, and executes SQL statements stored in the Browse tab of that rule instance. The search can do anything you can specify in a SQL statement, such as a
statement. Any constraints on the returned data are in the SQL.
Main difference is for External and internal database obj is purely for internal and RDB is for external DB queries because we might need big SQL queries to get the data here. Obj is to check inside pegarules database which is sort of internal and other works when needed to design complex queries.

Religent Systems Private Limited
OBJ-LIST is used to retrieve properties to a read only list of a specific class from the Pega database.
Parameters: Page Name, Class Name, one selection property.
RDB-List is used to retrieve data directly from external relational databases like Oracle, SQL Server, etc.
Parameters: Requestor Type, Access, Class Name.
Ravilla Saikiran