Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB)
Last activity: 30 Jan 2017 13:37 EST
How to Inbound Email, Embedded attachments Display in Review Screen
I need to display inbound email message as a HTML format in message review screen.
More details.
When send email from outlook to PRPC, User can draw Charts or add Embedded Images (Add Image to message body) in outlook. but when it land to PRPC all attachments are separate from message body and its show as separate attachment..
I need to display all Embedded images or Charts in Message body, not as a separate Attachments. I used "RichTextbox" format for display Message body in message review screen. But in their Images or Charts are not display. It’s just "x" display.
Can anybody have idea, how to do this?
I'm using PRPC 6.3v
Thank You