
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 14 Jun 2016 5:34 EDT
AES 7.1.7 Configuration checklist / the n-fold way to unlimited clusters
This posting is here for all of us to share what we have learned when deploying and configuring AES.
Some of the information may be confusing, unclear or not make sense to you. That's OK, at least it exists and together we can kick it into shape.
To motivate us, to provide an abject lesson in poor fashion choices, and to start us on the way we have this from Dr. Beppo.
Let the listing of checks begin!
1. Manage Operators Systems - be sure the logged in user has access to clusters
Frequently the Enterprise landing page in the manger portal will not display any clusters or nodes. This can occur when the operatorid in use has not been given access to the cluster. This is done via
To view the current state click Display Operators By System in the Administration landing page …
Then click on a specific system to see the operators that are allowed access.
2. Update the URL for the node where [unable to determine] is the connection string
Open PegaAES-Data-Node record and make sure it points to the correct monitored instance PRSOAPServlet URL. E.g http://your_Pega_host:8080/prweb/PRSOAPServlet.
3. Make sure all AES agents are running on the AES server and PegaAESREmote on the monitored nodes.
Go to the System Management Application on the AES Server as well as monitored Pega server and under Agent Management look for Agents that correspond to PegaAES and PegaAESRemote Rulesets respectively
4. Authentication at app server level (authentication profile set to match on AES remote)
You may need to use the AESRemoteUser authentication profile.
5. Examine legacy contents of prconfig and prlogging.xml and remove all AES entries.
prlogging.xml and prconfig.xml files (use dynamic appenders and PDC URL spec from ) should not have any legacy AES related appender or config settings respectively.
6. Check for SSL handshake issues between AES server and monitored node
Only applies if using HTTPS endpoints
7. Front end Webserver or Load balancer configurations:
If you have your AES or Pega application hosted on an Application server cluster front-ended by a web-server or a load balancer the SOAP messages used for AES to Pega communication cannot pass through to directly communicate. Then you need to make the monitored node or the AES node the front end url.