Deploying RAP from a 7.1.7 to 7.2
What are issues that might be caused if we take the RAP of an existing application in 7.1.7 and deploy it in a fresh 7.2 installation?
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What are issues that might be caused if we take the RAP of an existing application in 7.1.7 and deploy it in a fresh 7.2 installation?
Hi Rajib
I dont think it can cause any issue. Please make sure to include all application specific contents ( including third party jars if any )
Thanks Santanu for your input. Does it hold good for DSM application where the existing DSM application is in Pega 7.1.7 (DSM) and the new vanilla environment would be in Pega 7.2(DSM)
Manu Varghese Basavaraj Kadakol any thoughts ?
Hi Rajib,
unfortunately I have not come across such requirement, however I don't envisage problems with DSM application as well,
you may have decide whether Interaction History data is required in the new 7.2 env. for ex all the data in PR_DATA_IH_* tables.
Hi Rajib,
Just wondering, if you have decided against in-place upgrade of the Pega 7.1.7, any reasons why? Exporting a RAP from 7.1.7 you have to be 100% sure that you have included every thing that is needed.
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