
Last activity: 22 May 2020 2:43 EDT
Word merge functionality not working (8.3)
Hi guys!
I have two different servers: first with 7.1.9 version and second with 8.3 version of Pega (Server with version 8.3 is upgraded server from 7.1.9 version so rulebase are the same). On the 1st server documents are generate good but on the 2nd server I see Word Template with blank fields and I can see field codes thru menu. In other words all of the tags {pega:reference} don't work as expected on 2nd server. I use "Pega-Sample CreateMergedWordDoc" approach.
I already tied to do following:
1. I'm sure that I read all of the posts here in collaboration center and all of help articles
2. I added server address to trusted sites in IE security settings
3. I reinstalled Silverlight and pre-requisites
4. I checked values in registry for silverlight
5. I granted full access to temp directories for my user (but I work as administrator on my PC)
Maybe you have any advice to resolve this issue?