Strategy leveraging IH components not producing expected results in PM campaign
A campaign strategy has been designed (Follow Up) that leverages IH components so that offers are only made to customers who've received an offer in a prior campaign strategy. (Initial).
Using the exact same segment, the initialized offer count from the "Follow Up" campaign is consistently lower than the "Initial" offer count.
Initial Campaign/Strategy is executed and 100 offers (Treatment or Control) are initialized/generated. All with a "Pending" status. These counts are verified in IH.
"Follow up" Campaign/Strategy is run within the look back window configured in the IH component and specifying the .pyName of propositions offered in the "Initial" strategy.
RESULT: Offer counts for the "Follow Up" campaign/strategy are consistently lower. e.g. 80 offers instead of the 100 count from the initial campaign despite using the same, un-refreshed segment.
How can I validate that either...
1. The Follow Up strategy is failing to pick up every customer from the segment.
2. The IH from each customer in the segment is not being properly viewed/filtered in the strategy.
Attached is a high level design ppt slide and a screen shot of the follow up strategy. I believe it is configured correctly.