
Last activity: 26 Sep 2019 5:04 EDT
Strategy result Properties available for Real-Time Container data flow
I'm on implementation of Pega Marketing following the instructions in the "Pega Marketing Implementation Guide 8.2".
As I'm configuring "Making custome Strategy Result properies available for Real-Time Container data flows,I have questions.
Following is the questions that I want to solve.
1)I have to create new data transform called pyDefaultWorkingSet in this section,now I don't know why I have to configure this data transform??
Maybe,I think It's necessary to display property output to external channel('s correct??
Ex)If I want to display a portal application after clicking website,in this case,I have to make property for applicaton URL,and then I configure this data transform.
Is it correct??
2)How I can associate a real-time container with a Next-Best-Action strategy, which can also serve container requests from external channels??
Finally,I want to know specific example to make custom strategy properties and configure data transform called pyDefaultWorkinfSet.