
Last activity: 5 Mar 2018 3:23 EST
SLA Change assignee
Hello Everyone,
This is my first question in PEGA.
While creating the case and setting SLA ex: 5 Days and assigned to someone "X", then while creating the case and submitted to the "X" and SLA started,we want to change something in this case that already assigned to "X", is there a way to make changes in it or not?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Well first you will need to make a clear difference between a "Case" and an "Assignment". A case could have multiple assignments.
When talking about SLA, we usually talking about SLA on specific assignment but you can also have SLA on cases.
I would say you can always change information either from cases or assignments already assigned or not. Can you clarify, are you trying to change something on the case or on the assignment ?

First of all thanks for your quick reply!
Second, Maybe my question is not clear, so let me ask it in a diff way, We have a defined process that I'm as a requester "Y" will create a request and put a manager "X" for approving this request (SLA will be 5 days, if the manager will NOT take any action then the request will come to me (Y) again and i can change the manager again), the question is Can (Y) change the manager (X) during this SLA (let say after 2 days) to be different manager (Z) ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Out-Of-The-Box I would say no. But you can always configure a sort of "recall/reassign" mechanism to achieve this if it is part of your requirements. Now does this means manager "Z" will only have 3 days left ? Or will you be resetting the SLA ?
It is always possible to do it but the question is how many times this scenario is going to happen. Is it worth doing it.

Thanks again,
we need to reset the SAL as well, and yes its worth to do it.
for "recall/reassign" mechanism. how to do this? and if we want to proceed in this process, is there a documentation or customization to make it?

Pegasystems Inc.
Well so many ways of doing it, it is difficult to tell you the best approach. I think I would use a ticket to finish the first assignment to manager X and then recreate the assignment to manager Y

For another case,
Can we add delegated user which can do the same action on the assignment, Ex: I assigned the assignment to person X and want the manager of him to do the same action or the assignment be available for the manager?

Capgemini India Techonology
Hi umar,
Do you get any solution for the above scenario bcoz now same type of requirement in my project,if you get any solution please provide the solution
Bogdan Drobau

You can configure case-wide or stage-wide optional action pyTransferAssignment to change the assigned operator runtime. You can run this flow action from actions menu any time you want to change the assignee.
I think it will even update the SLA.I hope this solves the requirement.

Capgemini India Techonology
Thanks for quick updating but my question was how to reassign sla from assign sla,
Example: I'm as a requester "Y" will create a request and put a manager "X" for approving this request (SLA will be 5 days, if the manager will NOT take any action then the request will come to me (Y) again and i can change the manager to "Z", then how to maintain two SLA here??