
Last activity: 2 Aug 2019 6:11 EDT
Skill Based Routing - pickBalancedOperator() function not returning OperatorID
Hi ,
I am Facing Issue in proceeding with Skill Based Routing ( Activity : ToSkilledGroup ) . All the Time Case is getting routed to manager Instead of Skilled Operator .
When i Analyse on the Activity i can see Step 1 : pickBalancedOperator() function returning Blank value , but in the Tracer i can see the SQL in pickBalancedOperator() function ( with Join of pegadata.pr_operators, pegadata.pr_index_operatorskills ) returning 1 results .
But Still pickBalancedOperator() Function returning NULL value , hence its assigning to WorkGroup manager .
Steps to Reproduce :
1. Update my operator rule with Required Skill
2. In Flow - Assignment ( Route to - > Custom ; Assignment Type : WorkList ; Router :ToSkilledGroup; Workgroup and Skill defined in my operator )
instead of case routed to me case routed to work group manager alone
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***