
Rabobank Netherlands
Rabobank Netherlands
Rabobank Netherlands
Posted: Jul 29, 2024
Last activity: Aug 6, 2024
Last activity: 6 Aug 2024 13:26 EDT
Skill based routing based on Primary & secondary skills
WE have a scenario
we have 3 employees and below are the list of assignments with skills in a work basket.They will click get next work button to get the nect work.
Case A with skill alpha - Urgency 75
Case B with skill alpha - Urgency 70
Case C with skill alpha - Urgency - 69
Case D with skill beta - Urgency -15
•Employee A can work on all Assignments. He starts first and his first assignment of Case A
•Employee B can work on all Assignments. He starts to work, and his Assignment of Case B
•Employee C can work only on skill beta first - he starts with Assignment of Case D
But we have a specific requirement that for employee C, wew wnat him to pick first all beta skill items and when there are no items in workbasket he will automatically get items with skill Alpha.
So , kind of first finish your primary skills if any, then you are allowed to work on items based on your secondary skills.
- From solutioning perspective , we do not want to modify GetContent or any other "Final" rules within GetNextWork module.
With OOTB feature can we provide this solution?what options we have for solutioning.