How to configure Skill Based Routing ?
How to configure Skill Based Routing in 7.3.1 / 7.4 ?
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How to configure Skill Based Routing in 7.3.1 / 7.4 ?
Accepted Solution
You may use below router activities.
ToSkilledWorkbasket - the assignment will go into that workbasket, with the desired and required skills as specified.
ToSkilledGroup - the assignment will go to the worklist of a randomly determined individual within the workgroup who has the required skills
ToLeveledGroup - the assignment will go to the worklist of the individual in the workgroup who has the required skills, and has the highest "score" where the score is computed by looking at how much work is on that person's list already, and how many of the desired skills he has. I think (sorry it's been a while) it also takes into account the person's availability (unavailable dates are put into the operator record).
Hi Gayatri,
Nice explanation, however I have one doubt in ToSkilledGroup and ToLeveledGroup routing. What about the workObjects, which do not match any of the required skills. In this scenario what will happen to that WorkObject ? Where will that go?
If the skills are not matching in that work group , assignment will routing to the Manger of that Group.
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