
Comptech Associates
Comptech Associates
Comptech Associates
Posted: May 8, 2019
Last activity: May 17, 2019
Last activity: 17 May 2019 14:54 EDT
Questions regarding campaigns, segments, seed lists, and seed tests
We are building a campaign and want to use a seed test to verify it. We would like to know the answers to these questions:
- When an offer flow launched by a running campaign is to send an email to a customer, where does Pega get the email address from by default?
- When an offer flow launched by a running campaign is to send an SMS message to a customer, where does Pega get the phone number from by default?
- When an offer flow launched by a campaign seed test is to send an email to a customer, where does Pega get the email address from by default?
- When an offer flow launched by a campaign seed test is to send an SMS message to a customer, where does Pega get the phone number from by default?
- In a seed test where the participating customer are contained in a seed list, is the segment logic executed as well? That is, must a customer in the seed list also satisfy the segment conditions?
- If the marketing strategy for a campaign, or one of its offer flows, reads a customer attribute to determine what is to happen, and the attribute is also in a seed list, what value is used during a seed test using the seed list?
- Accordingly, is there any need or reason to put anything in a seed list other than a list of customer identifiers?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****