PegaCHAT installation
Hi Team, I need help with installation of PegaCHAT.
1. I executed "NODE_ENV=production node app" to start the PegaCHAT application. It was trying to start XMPP server on port 5280 and got struck at "Launching XMPP server". Is this the expected output? Is my PegaCHAT application up? I can find port 5280 is listening to tcp6, but my server_host_url (server DNS) is not accesible
2. "warn - error raised: Error: listen EACCES Proprietary information hidden:80" what does this warning specify? Is it not able to access the chat port 80?
3. There is change in the server_host key of config.json. How should I shutdown xmpp server/PegaCHAT application to make this change and restart PegaCHAT application?
Thanks in advance,