
Scope International
Last activity: 5 Apr 2017 0:06 EDT
Pega LDAP Time out popup is not working with Chrome Browser- Pega SR Raised SR-A75937
We are suing Pega LDAP functionalities. We are facing few issues as states below
Issue -1
When we use
We are suing Pega LDAP functionalities. We are facing few issues as states below
Issue -1
When we use
1. Login
2. Wait for Time out- Pop up coming if you click Dashbaord work item/Team member item. But not throwing auth poup for top panel op id profile/logoff/Case Create link etc. In Report tab, if you click report link it throw auth time out popup - if you give proper user id and pwd, it duplciate case manager/user portal.
We raised an SR#: SR-A75937.. But we are not get any solution yet.