
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Last activity: 13 Jun 2017 8:57 EDT
Pega ActiveX Control and Pega Outlook AddIn update
Our company is currently using Pega ActiveX Controls and Outlook AddIn v7.1.8 and would like to upgrade to the latest version. I can't seem to find the download location and exactly the name of the file to download. Your assistance and guidance would be appreciated.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Alex,
To install ActiveX control (Pega Systems), you can download It can be obtained directly from Pega SW Distribution. For example, you have 115290_Pega722 software, is under ResourceKit -> Utilities -> OCXInstaller.
I have attached Installation Guide here. It includes all detailed steps on how to install Active X control.
Hope this helps.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Hi Susan,
I am having difficulties locating Pega Software Distribution link - would you be kind enough to provide a direct link?
I also noticed in your attached doc that only MS Office 2010 is supported - so it will not work with Office 2013 at all?

Pegasystems Inc.
HI Alex,
For Pega Software Distribution (for example, Pega 7.2.2), you need to make a media request for it.
The document I attached is an older version. Pega supports MS Office 2013.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The problem is that I cannot find how/where to request the software. Under Support --> Downloads, I see Pega 7 PE, Licensed Software, Pega 7 Updater Software, and Hotfix Catalog. If I attempt to request anything, I get this error message:
"Your software request has failed. ** We are unable to fulfill your download request."

J.P. Morgan Services India PVT Ltd
Do you want it for 7.2.2?
Can you please raise a media request for it? Mentioning the appropriate prpc version. The support team will guide you.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Can someone please guide me on the proper method of raising a media request. I have called, I have sent emails, I have attempted to use the Support--> Download link to no avail. Thank you in advance.
Updated: 11 Apr 2017 4:18 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Alex,
Here's an article that talks about the steps to create an SR for an existing hotfix: Raising Support Requests for Hotfixes now made easy!
You would need to create an SR with Request Type and Media Request
Please let us know back here if you were able to create it!

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
I tried to raise a Support Request, but I do not see an orange "Create" button. At the top of the page there is a red circle with an exclamation mark next to "Select an Account ID" link - the drop down arrow next to it does not work.
On the left side of the screen it says that I am not linked to an account and to ask the company's support contact admin to link me. I have no idea who the company contact is.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Alex,
Please contact our Global Support Team by phone number. They will be able to assist you!

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
I called the Global Support Team and they provided me with names of people in our company who were able to download the Unfortunately this did not resolve my problem - I am still not able to load the PegaOutlookAddin in Outlook 2013. The same Addin is loading perfectly fine in Outlook 2010. The question is PegaOutlookAddin 100% compatible with Office 2013 32-bit?

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Has anyone been able to get Pega Outlook Addin to load in and work with Outlook 2013?

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Can someone please confirm one way or the other if Pega Outlook addin works with Outlook 2013? I can get it to load in Outlook 2010, but not in 2013.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi All,
I hope the existing Pega Outlook AddIn should work Office-2016 and the lower versions as well.
However there is no version check in that AddIns.
We observed few compatible issues while running on IE-11. Therefore, we proposed some workarounds to skip those issues.
Please check the following hotfix and attached local change document for SE-25511 and HFIX-32700.
However, I am checking on 7.2.2 version for this outlook AddIn functionality with Outlook-2016. I will share my analysis ASAP.
Thanks and Regards,