
Mastercard Inc
Last activity: 8 Jul 2019 10:38 EDT
Pega 7.1.8 - Migrating from Websphere to Tomcat
We are migrating from Websphere to Tomcat with the same Database.
We have to switch between these environments for testing as the migration is still in progress.We make sure either WebSphere or Tomcat is up , but not both.
We are facing cache issues after we switch from WebSphere to Tomcat and vice versa. The application works fine only after following the below steps
For Websphere to Tomcat :
1. Shutdown WebSphere
2.Clear the server cache
3. Clear the DB cache
4. Start Tomcat
Is there a way to manage the cache so that we don't have to clear the cache every time we switch the servers.We are migrating to Tomcat in Production soon and it will be really painful to clear the cache on many nodes, DB and restart them.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****