Upgrading from Pega 7.1.8 to Pega 7.4
Hello! I am upgrading a Pega 7.1.8 application to Pega 7.4. The upgrade went well but now I need to upgrade the frameworks. I have HCIF v7.13 and CMA v7.13 installed on Pega 7.1.8 application. The upgrade guide for the HCIF v7.4 has instructions for HCIF - v7.14 (Pega 7.1.9) and above. It states that if I want to upgrade from a previous version, I should come here.
To upgrade Healthcare Industry Foundation (HCIF) 7.14 or HCIF 7.22 to Pega Foundation for Healthcare 7.4 (formerly known as HCIF), follow the instructions in the following readme file in the distribution media:
• \Schema\Upgrade\README.txt
To upgrade any other healthcare foundation release to 7.4, please go to your account on My Support
Portal to request important support recommendations.
What is the proper way to upgrade from HCIF v7.13 to HCIF v7.4? I also have to install CRM 7.4, CRMHC7.4 and then upgrade from Care Management v7.13 to CMA 7.4.
What is the proper upgrade path for the frameworks?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***