
Virtusa Consulting
Last activity: 10 Jul 2023 11:58 EDT
PDC Notifications are Enabled However We Are Not Receiving Emails
Hi ,
We have enabled standard pdc alert notifications and we have tried to test the some scenarios but pdc is not sending any email to us. we are getting emails from pdc for different scenarios which is not related to us. now my doubt is how we have to perform the testing and complete testing user stories.
one of the example i will explain.
one of the job scheduler is trying to executing the activity but unfortunately NumberFormatException is occured and execution is not completed. Here Pega is created exception-12345 id and printed error details but i did not receive "Job Scheduler Failure" email. Now i am expecting Job Scheduler Failure Alert email from PDC.
I am expecting Job Scheduler Failure alert email if something is failed due to some issue not only numberformatexception. please let me know my expectation is valid or not? suggest me how do i proceed ?
Can someone provide me few examples to generate the Job scheduler failure alert ?
Thanks & Regards,
Rama Krishna
Branched Information: Originally posted as reply here.