
Last activity: 17 Feb 2021 10:12 EST
Issue with Create Case smart shape using property
Issue with Create Case smart shape using property. Creating a Flow Problems.
Error Message: ** @hasMessages(Local.pyTopCasePage) null
Pega 7.3.1
- While creating a Book case, setting a class value "ABB-ReserveIt-Work-GuestReview" in a property "ClassNameOfCase" i.e. pyDefault data transform.
- Added a "Create Case" step in 3rd stage and setting
- selected "create case" radio button
- In "Create the following case" selected "Other"
- In "Class", entered ".ClassNameOfCase" Property
- In "Starting process", Default value is coming "pyStartCase"
- In "Property to store ID of case", Entered ".GuestReviewID" Property.
Please guide.........
Thanks in Advance........
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***