
Last activity: 18 Aug 2015 2:32 EDT
How to view and download the daily based Pega logs from desinger studio and SMA
I have a created a new folder "Pegalogs" under "/app/apache-tomcat-7.0.52" and I made settings in prlogging.xml file to redirect and store all the Pega logs to /Pegalogs directory with a roll out on daily basis option. The settings were successful and I'm able to see the Pega logs which is being rolled out on a daily basis at "/app/apache-tomcat-7.0.52/Pegalogs". But I'm not able to see the same daily logs from the designer studio and SMA. It is just showing the latest log file. Please take a look following screen shot. I want to see and download the Pega logs on a daily basis from Pega designer studio and SMA. We Want to reduce time effort to request server team to get the daily basis logs. We want to allow dev team to download the daily logs from designer studio and SMA portal. Please help me with settings that we can view and download the Pega logs on a daily basis from designer studio and from SMA.