
SmartRules B.V.
Last activity: 8 Jun 2021 9:20 EDT
how to identify activity running on which Background processing nodes
Hello Team,
I am running BIX extract rules using JobScheduler rules on both the nodes. Also once all jobs finished I have final jobscheduler(CreateAndFTPZipFolder) which is responsible to create zip folder and do FTP. As I am running all jobs and final job(CreateAndFTPZipFolder) on both the nodes I am getting 2 different files with 2 diff timestamp. I used timetamp while creating zip folder. Its running fine without any issue. Now my requirement is to create only one zip instead of two zip files. I have below questions.
1. Is there any possibility that we can check if first folder got created/Exists on FTP location and dont create another one if already exists?
2. How do we make sure the final job(CreateAndFTPZipFolder) should run on only one time successfully? ( i still want to run it on both node)
3.We have two diff servicefolder location for each background node so checking file exists is not the option.
We are using Pega 8.4.6 version ,PEGA BIX 8.4