
Wirpo Technologies
Last activity: 29 Jan 2019 16:14 EST
GC Log is not showing in Designer Studio or SMA
Hello All,
We could not find option to download GC log either designer studio or SMA.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please let us know PRPC version you are making use of?

Wirpo Technologies
It is 7.3 version.

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are talking about SMA > Logging and Tracing > Garbage Collector and Log Usage feature, then it has been removed from Pega 7.3 onwards, refer BUG-285148. If you are looking for the GC file storage location then probably you would like to check in your application server configuration regarding the gc jvm parameters.
Hope this might help you.
Mahesh M

Wirpo Technologies
Is there any documentation to set some run time variable configuration file so that GC log can be obtained. We tried below PDN post. But still we could not find link designer studio Pega Designer Studio Lin k==> System ==> Operation ==> Logs
Some of our applications are running in Pega cloud. Is there any GSC SR, we need to raise so that Pega cloud team will be taken care.
What should be the approach to take GC log for the applications are running in on-presmises

Pegasystems Inc.
As per the suggestion provided by my colleague Ujjwal on referenced post the logs will be stored in tomcat_location/logs/gc.log file and i think you need to raise cloud support request to get those logs if your environment is running in Pega cloud and don't have access to this folder from Self Service Portal. If it was on-premises then you could probably look into the tomcat/logs folder to get the gc.log file. Hope that answers your query.
Mahesh M

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @MayanAlagar,
Please let us know the SR ID when you open it so that we may connect this post with it for troubleshooting.
Thank you!