
Virtusa Consulting Services
Last activity: 27 Jul 2022 6:34 EDT
Facing error while starting Email Listener with MSGraphs functionality and trying to refer the credentials using page group DPage
We are unable to start the Email Listener from the Admin Studio with the below configuration:
Pega version is: 8.7.1
Email Account rule configuration: Using Email provider as Microsoft Office 365 Configured Send using, Receiver using as Microsft Graph Referred the OAuth 2.0 for Authentication Profile field
Authentication Profile configuration: Selected OAuth 2.0 Provider as Custom Selected Grant type as Password credentials Provided related values for Client Identifier, Client secret, Scope, Access token endpoint Username and password are referred using a Data Page with Page Group structure like D_FirstDataPage.AccountData(EmailAccountName).EmailAddress, EmailPassword
D_FirstDataPage configuration: A Page type with Scope as Thread and Referred the Data Transform as source
Data Transform Configuration: Looping through second data page D_SecondDataPage.pxResults and building the page group [D_FirstDataPage.AccountData(EmailAccountName)] for each email account and mapping user name and password
We are unable to start the Email Listener from the Admin Studio with the below configuration:
Pega version is: 8.7.1
Email Account rule configuration: Using Email provider as Microsoft Office 365 Configured Send using, Receiver using as Microsft Graph Referred the OAuth 2.0 for Authentication Profile field
Authentication Profile configuration: Selected OAuth 2.0 Provider as Custom Selected Grant type as Password credentials Provided related values for Client Identifier, Client secret, Scope, Access token endpoint Username and password are referred using a Data Page with Page Group structure like D_FirstDataPage.AccountData(EmailAccountName).EmailAddress, EmailPassword
D_FirstDataPage configuration: A Page type with Scope as Thread and Referred the Data Transform as source
Data Transform Configuration: Looping through second data page D_SecondDataPage.pxResults and building the page group [D_FirstDataPage.AccountData(EmailAccountName)] for each email account and mapping user name and password
D_SecondDataPage configuration: A List tyoe with Scope as Node and using the source as ReportDefinition which will fetch all the email account details from database (data type)
As we are referring an authentication rule in the email listener, our assumption is that the second data page with source as report definition is not working because the RDs internally gets invoked via an activity called pxRetrieveReportData and in the PDC I was able to see the errors where it says, the required access to run the activity is missing. What is recommended way to implement such requirements.
Error while starting the email listener:
Error in PDC:
1. When we try to hard code the email address and password, we are not facing any issue.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Support Case Details ***