
Virtusa PVT Ltd
Last activity: 19 Dec 2023 16:14 EST
Email listener Error count is increasing.
HI all,
We have Functionality ,to create a case via email,
our Email listener is able to create a case , issue here is even though there are no mails in the mail box still Error count is Increasing repeatedly.
In logs i found some Connection time out issue for pop3 in email account but when i go to email account form and try to hit the test connectivity it is working fine.
my first query is even though there are no mail why it is going to ERROR column and increasing the count.
i guess we faced same issue in Lower env then pega gave us the hotfix which resolved our issue in all lower env's, but issue is in our Prod we are facing same issue team.
we are facing this issue only in Production not in Lower env.