
Last activity: 9 Dec 2022 12:27 EST
Email Correspondence is attached to cases but no mail sent to User
Email Correspondence has been attached to the case, but user din't receive mail.
Version: Pega 8.1
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags; product/version tag; change from Pega Academy to Product****
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Ujas Mehta -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check if your SendCorr agent is running correctly? Any broken instance maybe?
Updated: 19 Feb 2020 11:13 EST

Hi MarcLasserre_GCS,
The Agent was running correctly, there is no broken queue.

Pegasystems Inc.
how about on your logs then anything about sending correspondence error?
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 5:45 EST

There is no error related to sending correspondence
Updated: 19 Feb 2020 16:47 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
On click of correspondence, confirm if you can see the Sent label with timestamp to confirm an email was sent from Pega successfully.
Sent: | Feb 19, 2019 12:07:55 PM From <SYSTEM NAME> |
If YES, I would recommend to check the SENT folder on the configured Sender email account mailbox & confirm if an actual email has been sent to the recipient. There could be mail delivery issues.
Let us know if that helps!
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 5:45 EST

Hi Harish_GCS,
I'm able to see the Timestamp in the sent label.
There is no item in the SENT Folder
Updated: 29 Jun 2020 14:29 EDT

HCL Technologies Ltd
Hi Lokesh,
You can debug this issue by splitting the implementation into chunks.
1. Check Email Account:
Verify if you have a valid SMTP connection to send Outbound emails. Do a test connectivity and ensure the connection to email server is success. If it isnt success, then you need to verify if there is any firewall restrictions to use the given SMTP Host. Get it enabled
2. Send an Email:
For testing purpose, Create a wrapper activity and define the Correspondence information and call the OOTB SendSimpleEmail activity to trigger an outbound email. Trace it. Add steps to print more info in logs (before and after sending email)
SendCorr OOTB activity will be called which will queue this email in Pega-ProCom's SendCorr Agent for outbound processing. Trace this agent.
3. Receive Email:
Ensure the email is not moved to receiver's Junk folder due to default Id marked while sending it. (Prefer opensource email id like gmail for testing)
4. Verify DB Tables:
If you are calling this activity from your work object, ensure you audit and track it from DB tables associated with LINK-ATTACHMENT, DATA-WORK-ATTACH by checking Data-Corr-Email as a class reference.
Looking forward to hear from you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you getting the mail without attachment or not getting the mail at all?
Could you please let us know the application server you are using.
Thank You,

Merkle UK
I am facing the same issue, Emails are getting attached to case but not seen in User's inbox or in the Sent items from where the email was sent.
Pega - 8.6.3
SendCorr running on all nodes, no exceptions.