Creating Child Case in alternate stage and route back to specifc screen in a screen flow
I have a button in a 3rd screen of a multi-step form (inside Update Incident stage). When i click this button, it will run a activity pxChangeStage which change the stage to alternate stage (Create Exhibit). In the Create Exhibit process, it will create a child case of exhibit type and wait shape to wait until the exhibit case reach a certain status. Once the status is reach it will change to a specifc stages (to Update Incident stage).
However, there are two issues currently for this design:
- when the button is click, the child case will not be automatically open, user will need to go to Actions > Add Work > Create Exhibit to open exhibit child case.
- when user finish creating exhibit and wait shape is trigger, the change to a specifc stages will be fired but user will see the 1st screen of a multi-step form.
Below are some of the steps that i had tried:
- I tried to add a decision shape in Update Incident process to route to 3rd screen based on some condition but, user will not be able to see and navigate back to 1st and 2nd sceen.